

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Dickhead Anecdote #7 :: Hula Hoop Dickhead

A beer in the park kind of day. Ice cream, water fights and sunshine. Deeby and Chris jam in a corner of the green green park as a European family hula hoop a couple of meters away.
“I really want to hula hoop,” Says Deeby, “I wander if I can still Hula hoop. I’m gonna ask them if I can have a go.”
“Don't, man.” argues Chris, “You'll embarrass me... and you... but me more so.”
“Nah, bruv, I won't. When I was about 10 I once decided to hula hoop all the way through break time just to see if I could. And I did. 'Cos my hips don't lie and I'm amazing.”
“Nah, man. Don't go up to them.” argues Chris.
“Don't act like you don't want a go. I see you looking at them.” 

It's true. He was staring at the hula hoop family (but not like creep. He's a Dickhead, not a creep). Chris was deep in thought. The image of a hula hoop had re-ignited a long lost dickhead memory.
About 2 years prior to that beer in the park kind of day, Dona had invited The Dickhead Gang over to her place to celebrate her birthday. 
Pao and Chris had decided to trot to Dona's place together.
“Did you get Dona a present?” asked Chris
“No, did you?” replied Pao
“Nah. We should get her something. She's gonna think we're bad friends.”
“We are, though.”
“Yeah but as long as she doesn't THINK we're bad friends, then we can continue to be bad friends.”
“I suppose.” Pao yielded, finding sense in Chris' argument. “Should we go back and buy her something?”
“Nah, we're like 5 minutes away from her house. I'm not gonna turn around. Let’s stop walking for a second.” They stop walking. “Look around you. What do you see?”
Pao 360's his current location. They're dead in the middle of a half-run down council estate, next to a Primary School.
“I see flats, parked cars and rubbish. Bags and bags of rubbish.”
“I see a hula hoop. It's perfect.”

It's true. He was staring at a hula hoop. One so conveniently placed for the dustbin men to collect, along with other toys from the Primary School that had withered away at the hands of children for years and years, ready to be melted plastic and laid to rest like Woody and Buzz Lightyears worst nightmare. The toys stank.
“Dona's gonna love this.” smiled Chris.
They rock up to Dona’s birthday party with huge grins and hand her the hula hoop. A confused looking Dona accepts the gift, and tries to act grateful despite being baffled!
“We paid like £15 for that gift! You better like it!” Chris argues. Dickhead!
“That was over 2 years ago.” Deeby reminded him on that beer in the park kind of day. “You reckon she's still has it?”
“Only one way to find out.” Chris produces his phone.

“Well, whilst you're being a phone whore...” Deeby walks to the European hula hooping family and asks to hula hoop with them (but not like creep. He's a Dickhead, not a creep).
“Thrust the hips,” Deeby reminds himself “It's all in the hips.”
And so he thrusts and thrusts and thrusts and... “Hey Chris, check it out!” Deeby exclaims, “I still got it!”
“I know,” Chris laughs “... So does Dona!”

For the record Deeby hula hoops like this. 

And Chris hula hoops like this. 

Dickhead out.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

April Dickhead!

April's over.
Four nominations?
What can I say? Dickheads will be Dickheads.
Here's what's happened...

Betting Dickhead #1

Dona's getting nominated for betting Deeby that he could never get with her sister.
Are you serious, Dona? Did you actually just pimp out your sister?

Click here for full size
Evidence is literally written in the WhatsApp chat above. Dickhead. Next. 

Vomiting in a playground Dickhead

Chris and Deeby are on their way home from Brick Lane feeling pretty waved after a few drinks, and take a detour through a children’s park on the way home.

These parks are designed for kids to play on, not for Dickheads to jam in, but being said Dickheads, Chris and Deeby decide to have a go on the swings!

They’re still buzzed right now….. maybe too buzzed, and it isn’t long before Deeby vomits all over the swings. You can only imagine the shock that the children and parents who came to this park the next day received! Dickhead!

Betting Dickhead #2

Rich isn’t very subtle when it comes to girls. Heck he isn’t very subtle when it comes to anything. He did THIS! Anyway, there just happens to be a female friend of the group who Rich is constantly talking about getting with, so much so that he actually BET Chris Ten Grand that he could get with said female friend within the next two years.

We won’t reveal who this is for the sake of the bet, but Chris and Deeby consider the chances of Rich actually getting with this girl ridiculously low. So much so that Chris considers himself to have already won Ten Grand and asks Deeby if he wants to tour the USA with Rich’s Ten Grand in two years.

The worse thing about this is that Rich probably won’t even pay up when he loses! You just might be in for a chance of winning both DOTY2014 and DOTY2016 at this rate Rich! Dickhead.

Yellow Bitch Dickhead

There's a game that Deeby and Bradderz often play called “Yellow Car”.
Rules are simple. You spot a yellow car, lightly jab your opponent and state “Yellow Car” whilst pointing at it.

There's a popular term amongst world famous gangsta rappers and the like. “Bitches”.
“Bad Bitch” is a term used to describe a woman who is good. “Basic Bitch” is a term used to describe a girl who likes One Direction, Gossip Girl and other basic shit. Bitch means woman.
We don't condone the use of such a word. But we use it 'cos were dickheads.

Chris isn't very good at Yellow Car. The gang were in the middle of a game once when Chris in annoyance pointed at a woman in a yellow raincoat and jabbed Deeby saying quite basically “Yellow Bitch”.
Then he saw another woman holding a yellow umbrella and jabbed Deeby. "Yellow Bitch!" he said.
Then he saw a Korean woman... Dickhead.

Who d'you think wins this month?

Dickhead out.