

Tuesday 1 April 2014

March Dickhead!

Shit me! It's April already!
Alright, 2 major Dickhead moments over the last Month...

Akramming Dickhead

Chris, The legend that he is, had grown accustomed to the life he chose, that of a Dickhead; The Dickhead Way of Life. This lifestyle includes going to the smoking area and telling people to quit, Bowling and Akramming!
For 4 weekends in a row (Last weekend of February included), Chris has been hitting a party or doing some sort of mad night out. At every single party he's managed to Akram some girl, including a 3 hour session at house party for Deeby's birthday (Mind you, he was wasted, she was wasted and they enjoyed a snog afterwards).

Bradderz's birthday now, and the boys hit a club in Angel to celebrate. Before the night ensues Deeby vows to akram some girl in celebration of Chris' achievement. Chris vows not to akram any girl on that night.

Deeby successfully akrams a girl. As does Chris, Twice. Dickhead.

Racist Dickhead
Meet J-man! The latest dickhead to grace the DOTY page.

This brown man is a racist.

He made a video (Starring our very own Rich and Bradderz) at Deeby's birthday.

(For the time being you can only see this video via the DOTY facebook page by clicking HERE. Will change this as soon as we can.)

For your information, anyone who starts a conversation with the words "I don't want to be racist..." is about to be racist and is a racist.

Who do you think is this months champion?

Dickhead out.

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