

Thursday, 5 March 2015


February just finished.
And it's a birthday special.
That's right both nominees got their nominations... On their Bday.

Did the kids in the dickhead stock photo below have to be asian? Yeah, I'll make it work...

Dickhead Stock Photo


This time last year, Dona was nominated for organising herself a birthday ting and then parring of dickheads.

So this year she tried to make amends. She texts the gang...

Hey, it's my birthday soon.
Wanna come for a dinner?”

Probably still bitter about the previous year most of the gang are like...

Nah. Got better things to do.”

All except one. Chris, the sweetheart that he is, actually agrees to turn up.
Still unsure about actual details. i.e.: When and where should they meet, he messages Dona.
Dona blanks Chris until two hours after the event was supposed to start.

Of course, Chris ain't there. He got parred.
Dickhead move, Dona. Nice one.

It was at the bowling alley, that time Deeby got nominated for doing this (Bowling Dickhead)... Even though he's a black dude called Rich, during January last year Rich couldn't understand why a Chinese guy could be called Jeremy.

2nd to what Deeby did, it became all Rich could talk about for the next couple of weeks.
Was he drunk? Not even a little bit. Does he even like Jeremy? He's partial. Was he being racist? Definitely.

The Dickhead year had flown by and the age old legend that was “Chinese Jeremy from the bowling Alley” remained in their memories. To nobody's surprise, he no longer works at the bowling... Or does he?

It's Rich's Birthday so the Lads go bowling again (Yeah, that's right. Rich got nominated on his birthday 'cos...¯\_()_/¯ Dickheads). The technical issues that always happens 'cos bowling alley's are shit, happens, so Deeby calls over a steward. The steward is chinese. Whilst in the middle of explaining what the issue seems to be Rich catches the steward in his peripheral vision and begins to shout.

Jeremy?! Jeremy, is that you?! OMG it fuckin' is!
Waaaaaaaayyyyy, everyone look it's Jeremy. You alright mate?...”

Then the penny drops...

...Wait... You're... You're not Jeremy, are ya? Wait, Yes you are? No, you're not.
What's your name?”

Deeby glances at the stewards name badge? “It's Jason.”
Oh.” Rich hangs his head.
There's an awkward silence as Jason leaves.

The Dude is not impressed.
Turns out it's alright if you're chinese and called Jason... or maybe Rich had finally learnt it's not a big deal. He's still a Dickhead though.

Told ya I'd make the Dickhead stock photo work.

Who d'you think wins this month?
Dickhead out.

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