

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Dickhead Anecdote #2 :: Are you gonna bang doe?

Night out. 3rd night in a row.
Why? 'Cos you're a dickhead.
Let's not lie to ourselves, regular human beings don't do that.

By the third night, you'd wanna try and make things a bit more interesting for yourself, right? What do you do? Invite more friends out? Take a girly home for the night? Party all night and watch the sun rise?

Not if you're Deeby or Chris.

Chris: Let's go to the smoking area.
Deeby: Why? We don't smoke.
Chris: We could start our own Anti-Smoking Campaign.
Deeby: Yeah, that's a good idea.

Think you look sexy?... No. Lung cancer.

Without the thumping music it seems that everyone can hear each other a little clearer. Chris overhears a couple arguing over something minuscule.  The saint that he is, he decides to defuse the situation...

Chris: Listen yeah!! You ain't gonna bang her. She ain't gonna bang you. You ain't gonna bang him and he ain't gonna bang you.

They stare at him, stumped. Chris continues...

Chris: Are you gonna bang, though?!

The couple look at their company, seething. They walk in opposite directions.


A young lad approaches Deeby.

Young Lad: Excuse me, mate. You a got a lighter for me fag?

Deeby looks at the young lad and shakes his head disapprovingly.

Deeby: Nah man, smoking's bad for you. You shouldn't smoke.


Dickhead out.

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